Dia: 29 de Novembro, 2021

  • Portugal | Nationality: Acquisition through Grandparents

    The Portuguese Government grants naturalization to those persons born abroad with, at least, an ancestor on the 2nd degree of the succession line of the Portuguese citizenship who has not lost such citizenship.

    How to do it/ necessary documents:

    Filled out application
    The signature must be authenticated by a notary public and its certification authenticated by Apostille.
    Birth Certificate of the applicant authenticated by Apostille and officially translated. This certificate must give evidence that the parents have recognized the applicant whilst he was underage.
    Birth Certificate of the Portuguese grandparent.
    Birth Certificate of the parent who is the child of the Portuguese grandparent. This certificate must give evidence that the grandparents have recognized the parent of the applicant whilst he was underage.
    For fees please see the following link.
    Document proving that the applicant has plenty knowledge of the Portuguese idiom. The evidence of knowledge of Portuguese can be given by presenting the following documents:
    Diploma issued by a Portuguese public or private school, under the terms of the Portuguese law.
    Certificate of approval in exam carried out by any of the institutions mentioned in item (a).
    Certificate of approval in exam issued by the Portuguese Consulates when the applicant was still living abroad. For this case, you can certify your proficiency in Portuguese Language registering in the exam provided by the Center of Evaluation of Portuguese Language (CAPLE), in order to receive the Initial of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (CIPLE). More info regarding the exam: http://caple.letras.ulisboa.pt/pages/view/11. There are many centers in the USA where you can take the exam: Washington DC, Boston, Newark, Berkeley (San Francisco). The exams take place in May and November.
    Certificate of proficiency in Portuguese as foreign language issued by one of the accredited Portuguese evaluation centres.
    In case of someone who has studied in a public or private school in any of the Portuguese-speaking countries, the evidence of knowledge of the Portuguese idiom may be given through Diploma issued by these teaching institutions

    If the applicant is illiterate, the evidence of the knowledge of Portuguese must be given according to his capability to show that he knows the idiom.

    Criminal Clearance issued by the country where the applicant was born, from where he holds his citizenship and of all countries he has ever lived after turning 16 years old, with the respective translation if not issued in Portuguese. The applicant is exempt of presenting the Portuguese Criminal Clearance, since it may be obtained compulsorily by the Portuguese government
    Power of Attorney if the application is to be submitted by a lawyer or any other
    All documents must be authenticated by apostille and non-Portuguese documents translated into Portuguese.

    By Embassy of Portugal The United States of America | Washington DC


  • Portugal | Nationality: Acquisition by Children of Portuguese Citizen


    Children born abroad to Portuguese parents (one or both) are entitled to Portuguese nationality.

    Applications for nationality must be submitted to the nearest Portuguese Consulate, to be processed and forwarded to the Conservatória dos Registos Centrais in Lisbon, for registration. Portuguese documents cannot be issued until registration is completed by the Conservatória, a process which may take up to six months to be confirmed by the Registrar in Lisbon.


    Both parents (even if one is not a Portuguese national) must appear in person at the Consulate to apply for nationality on behalf of their children, and to sign the birth registration. The parent(s) holding Portuguese nationality must be registered at the Consulate and if married, the marriage needs to be registered in Portugal before applying for the child’s Portuguese nationality. The following documents must be presented:

    Child’s birth certificate (long form containing all pertaining information about the birth);
    Portuguese passport and identification card of Portuguese parent(s);
    Birth Certificate of non-Portuguese parent (legalized by apostille by the Government of the country of birth).
    All documents that are in a language besides French, Spanish and English must be officially translated into Portuguese.
    Registrations after 14 years of age must include birth certificate translation and legalization fee ($22.00) and a notarized copy of passport.

    Applicants must appear in person at the nearest Portuguese Consulate, with the following documents:

    Certified copy of the long form of his/her birth certificate, legalized by Appostille or by the Consulate of Portugal if born outside of the US, as per attached instructions;
    Identification documents with photo/signature such as passport, I.D. cards, etc.);
    Marriage certificate (if applicable);
    For fees please visit the following link.
    The following documents pertaining to the Portuguese parent(s) must also be submitted:

    Parents’ marriage must be endorsed on the birth certificate. If married abroad and marriage has not yet been registered in Portugal, registration must be done by the Consulate before the child may apply for nationality.
    If parents were not married at the time of applicant’s birth, parents must sign a statement for confirming paternity while the applicant was still a minor.
    Birth certificate of both parents (parent born outside USA, the birth certificate must be authenticated by Apostille or Consulate of Portugal in the respective country).
    Fill out the application form.

    By Embassy of Portugal The United States of America | Washington DC
