Advogados de imigração em Portugal

Driving license | Medical certificate

Driving license | Medical certificate

Electronic system makes clinical auditing easier.

Three months after the mandatory electronic issuance and transmission of medical certificates for driving licenses, more than 120 thousand citizens have already benefited from this new service.

The electronic system makes clinical auditing easier, making it possible to identify, through the database, risk situations and monitor the issuance of certificates.

The measure was implemented to allow automatic recording of inadequacies, restrictions and adaptations, thus making it easier to identify suspected fraud, cases that are analyzed by the Group for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud in the National Health Service.

Dematerialization is mandatory since May 15, 2017, the pilot phase started on March 1 in primary health care and, later, on March 14, in hospital care.

SPMS – Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, together with the General Directorate of Health (DGS), is responsible for dematerializing the medical certificate for the driving license, which allows the citizen to go to the doctor and request a certificate, without having to go to the services of the Institute of Mobility and Transport, since the certificate is sent electronically to that body.

IMT | Portugal



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Advogado em Portugal Adriano Martins Pinheiro. Direito de Imigração

Adriano Martins Pinheiro

Advogado de Imigração

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