Dia: 8 de Março, 2022

  • UKRAINIAN CITIZENS |Temporary Protection Regime in Portugal

    Given the conflict in Ukraine, the Portuguese government has made available several aid programmes and services for Portuguese and Ukrainian citizens who are on the ground or moving to Portugal.

    A special status has been created for Ukrainian citizens coming to Portugal, which waives the need for a visa and grants temporary protection.


    Temporary Protection Regime

    The Portuguese government has applied the temporary protection regime for Ukrainian citizens and their relatives who cannot return to their country due to the war situation.

    The regime also covers citizens of other nationalities who are relatives, relations, spouses or non-marital partnership of citizens of Ukrainian nationality who are also unable to return to Ukraine for the same reason.

    When they arrive in Portugal, they are given a Temporary Protection Status, which includes the automatic granting of:

    • Residence Permit
    • Tax Identification Number (NIF)
    • Social Security Identification Number (NISS)
    • National Health Service (SNS) user number.

    These identification numbers give access to various services, such as health care in public facilities, enrollment in job offers, social protection, among others.

    The protection has an initial duration of one year, which can be extended for another year, as long as the conditions preventing people from returning to their country continue to prevail.

    Lawyer in Portugal: Adriano Martins Pinheiro | +351 91 543 1234 | pinheiro@advocaciapinheiro.com

    tags: ukrainian refugees

