Getting assistance from SEF Portugal (APMA) is a big challenge. Thousands of people are suffering various kinds of inconveniences because they cannot get assistance and do not know when and how they will get it.
In some cases, the only solution is to hire a lawyer experienced with immigration issues in Portugal and with the functioning of SEF (APMA). But, as a rule, the lawyer will only be able to act, after the immigrant manages (himself) to make the appointment with SEF. In these cases, the lawyer is available to accompany the client on the day of the appointment, make a checklist of documents and also make formal requests about information in the process.
If the only way to get an appointment at SEF is through the call center, there are no solution options for the lawyer. In other words, the lawyer will also need to call the same phone number to try to get an appointment. Unfortunately, there is no differentiated path for lawyers. There is only one call center for everyone (lawyers and general public). This is not correct, as Portuguese legislation determines that there is a priority of service for lawyers. But if the only option is to call the call center, the law is ignored.
Another common problem is that there are no appointment slots. For example, it is common that there are no vacancies for family reunification. Therefore, even if the person gets the service through the call center, this person will receive the information that there are no vacancies for scheduling. In addition, there is never any sure information about when there will be vacancies. The only option is to suffer the anguish of uncertainty.
When the immigrant gets an appointment with SEF, the lawyer can offer services such as: monitoring the day of the personal interview, monitoring the residence permit process or making requests for progress and / or clarifications about the process.
Digital platform
For some specific cases, the only way for the immigrant to receive assistance is to make the request through a digital platform. For example, for the automatic renewal of the residence permit, the only way is to apply online (SEF digital platform). There is no option to make an appointment by phone. In addition, this digital platform has not been working well either. Currently, the validity of residence permits is expiring, before the immigrant can renew the residence permit online. We know that there is a decree in Portugal that extends the expiration date of the documents. But, this is a long debate that will be left for another time.
New numbers for the SEF Call Center
217 115 000 (SEF landline)
965 903 700 (SEF cell phone)

sef, sef sapa, sef scheduling, sef cplp, sef contact, sef online, sef porto, online renewal, automatic renewal .