Advocacia Portugal | Imigração

How to Use the Hague Apostille for Documents Outside Portugal

If you need to use a public document outside Portugal, it is essential to understand what the Hague Apostille is and how its process works. This international validation seal is indispensable for Portuguese documents to be recognized in other countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention.

What is the Hague Apostille?

The Hague Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document, allowing it to be recognized in any of the countries that are part of the Hague Convention. Without this validation, a document may require consular legalization, a more bureaucratic and time-consuming process.

Practical Example: Apostilling Certificates and Records

If you need to present a birth, marriage, or death certificate in another country, you must apostille the document for it to be valid abroad. The same applies to a criminal record certificate, which is often required for immigration or international employment processes.

How Does the Apostille Service Work?

Our office specializes in this service. Therefore, we provide:

  • Issuance of the original document;
  • Apostille in compliance with the Hague Convention rules;
  • Delivery of the apostilled document via mail to the destination country;
  • Digital copy sent in PDF format via email.

This solution is highly convenient for those unable to handle the process in person.

🔗 Make a request for apostille.

Most Common Documents for Apostille

Among the most frequently requested documents for apostille are:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Death certificate;
  • Criminal record certificate;
  • Divorce decree certificate;
  • Translated documents (if certified);
  • Documents authenticated by a lawyer (certified copies or signature authentication).

It is common to apostille translated documents, as in Portugal, a lawyer can translate and certify translations before proceeding with the apostille. Additionally, a lawyer can authenticate copies of documents and signatures before submitting them for apostille.

Each of these documents may be required by different international institutions for immigration processes, marriage abroad, citizenship acquisition, or other legal purposes.

Priority Service for Lawyers

According to Portuguese law, lawyers have priority in the issuance and apostille of documents. Government departments providing these services must comply with the law and ensure this right to legal professionals.

Apostille of Diplomas and Academic Records: A Regional Challenge

The apostille of diplomas and academic records presents a specific challenge. Authentication must be performed in the same region where the educational institution issued the document. Therefore, individuals needing to apostille a diploma must verify where the competent registry or entity for this procedure is located.


Apostille is a crucial step to ensure the validity of documents abroad quickly and securely. Whether for citizenship, work, or study purposes, relying on a specialized service can make all the difference in the process. Ensure that your documents are properly apostilled to avoid issues and delays.

Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer registered with the Portuguese Bar Association (OA) and has an office based in Portugal.

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Advogado em Portugal Adriano Martins Pinheiro. Direito de Imigração

Adriano Martins Pinheiro

Immigration Lawyer

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Lawyer registered with the Portuguese Bar Association