Advocacia Portugal | Imigração

How to obtain a Certificate in international format in Portugal?

Certificate in international format in Portugal

The certificate in international format is intended for use abroad, has a multilingual format and is issued in the models approved by the International Convention on the Issuance of Multilingual Certificates of Civil Registry Acts, approved by Government Decree No. 34/83 of May 12.

When issuing the certificate in international model, the person concerned does not need to provide a translated and certified birth certificate. If he or she wishes, the person concerned may apply for the certificate to be apostilled so that it can be used in any country that is a member of the Hague Convention.

As a rule, certificates in Portugal are associated with a birth, marriage or death certificate.

Our office does document certification, apostille and translation.

How to request a certificate in Portugal?

Portuguese civil registration certificates can be issued in Portugal in three different formats: narrative, full copy and international model.

Narrative certificate

Narrative certificates narrate the content of the seat in a synthetic way. It mentions the elements extracted from the text of the entry, combined with the changes introduced by the entries in the margin.

Full copy certificate

Full copy certificates transcribe the entire text of the seating to which they relate and its amendments.

Adriano Martins Pinheiro, lawyer in Portugal

tags: certidão, portugal, assento, certidão em modelo internacional, multilíngue, inglês, francês, espanhol, português .

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Advogado em Portugal Adriano Martins Pinheiro. Direito de Imigração

Adriano Martins Pinheiro

Immigration Lawyer

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