Article about numbers and codes related to electricity and natural gas of Portugal
What is the CPE and CUI?
The acronym CPE stands for “delivery point code” (código de ponto de entrega). This is the number that identifies your electrical installation.
The acronym CUI stands for ‘universal installation code’ (código universal da instalação). This is the number that identifies your natural gas installation.
How to find the CPE and/or the CUI?
The CPE is on your electricity bill and the CUI is on your gas bill.
But if you do not have an invoice available, you will need to contact the respective distribution network.
Distribution networks (ORDs) in Portugal
E-Redes is the main distribution network operator (ORD – Operador de Rede de Distribuição) for electricity in Portugal. It will be able to offer the CPE, provided you present the property document or lease agreement.
Regarding natural gas, the ORD – distribution network operator – are divided by regions. For example:
Lisbon: Tagusgás
Porto, Braga and Viana do Castelo: Portgás
For other regions, search on Google: Operador de Rede de Distribuição + region name.
Finally, it is always good to try to find the address invoice with the previous tenant or the former owner, as the case may be.
Adriano Martins Pinheiro, lawyer in Portugal, consultant and trainer

tags: electricity, cpe number, cui number, code, address, lease, rental, property, connection, new contract, activation, meter