In Portugal, people call the tax identification number by the acronym NIF, which means “Número de Identificação Fiscal”.
Getting the NIF is the first step for you to get other documents.
For everything you want to do in Portugal, you need a tax identification number (Número de Identificação Fiscal – NIF). For example, you need to obtain a tax number to open an account, work, buy a house, to use the health service etc.
Anyway, we’ll show you what you need to do.
How to get your tax number in Portugal
You can ask for Tax Identification Number at any branch of the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária – Finanças), or at a Citizen’s Store [Loja do Cidadão].
Residents from outside of the EU
If your country is outside the European Union, your process is different:
- A stamp of entry in Portugal;
- Valid passport and visa;
- Proof of residence in the country of origin;
- Tax representative;
- Document which proves that the tax representative has agreed to represent you.
You should find someone to be your tax representative. This representative does not necessarily have to be a Portuguese citizen, but must have a residence permit in Portugal.
The tax representative should:
- Present a Citizen’s Card or Permanent Residency Card;
- Present his or her NIF;
- Confirm Portuguese address.
In the future, if you get a residence permit in Portugal, you will no longer need a tax representative.
Power of Attorney
However, if you’re applying from abroad through a representative, you’ll need to provide a Power of Attorney document (translated into Portuguese).
In short, you must go to the Citizen’s Office or Tax Authority, accompanied by a tax representative, with the documents we have already mentioned here.
We’ll leave the links below for you to get more details and contacts.
Adriano Martins Pinheiro is lawyer in Portugal