Welcome to the Online Criminal Record
My Criminal Record
Go to my criminal record to:
- Request a new Criminal Record Certificate
- View previously ordered Certificates (general data, status, expiration date, etc.)
- Obtain Certificates
- Cancel a Certificate’s access code
What is the Criminal Record Certificate and how much does it cost?
It is a document that contains information about the criminal record of a person or company.
This document can be used for your own knowledge or to present to an entity when requested.
The certificate costs € 5.
What information can it contain?
Through the Criminal Record Certificate you can find out:
- whether or not there are convictions in your name or the company you represent
- which criminal conviction decisions are handed down by Portuguese or foreign courts in your name or the company you represent, which are communicated in accordance with international agreements
- in the case of European Union citizens, it may also contain information about convictions in their country of nationality.
Who can apply for the Criminal Record Certificate?
Note: Our office provides a “declaration of authorization” template for the client to sign and authorize us to request the criminal record certificate on their behalf.
Any person, of any nationality, over 16 years of age, if it is their own registration.
Any person over the age of 18 can request the criminal record of another person, as long as authorized by the person. In this case, the request must be made in person and the authorization must be presented to the services.
In the case of a legal person, the request must be made by its legal representative.
Responsible Entity
The Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice (DGAJ) is a central service of the direct administration of the State.
Within the scope of its attributions, DGAJ is responsible, among others, for “ensure criminal identification”.
The organic unit of DGAJ responsible for issuing a criminal record certificate is the Directorate of Criminal Identification Services (DSIC).
Nossos serviços
Podemos pedir o seu certificado de registo criminal e, se necessário, apostilá-lo. Enviamos por correio para qualquer país.
Adriano Martins Pinheiro | Lawyer in Portugal

tags: certificado de registo criminal online, portugal, apostilamento, apostila, apostile .