Autor: Pinheiro

  • Traducción certificada en Portugal (traductor jurado)

    Cuente con nosotros para traducir y certificar su documento

    Nuestro despacho realiza traducciones certificadas y también se encarga de la apostilla del documento traducido (apostilla de La Haya).

    Después de la traducción certificada y la apostilla, nuestro despacho envía el documento por correo al país del cliente.

    En Portugal, un abogado puede certificar traducciones, así como realizar y certificar sus propias traducciones. Así, el abogado puede traducir, certificar y hacer ambas cosas simultáneamente.

    ¿Necesita una traducción certificada? Envíenos un mensaje.

    Envíe un mensaje de texto o WhatsApp al: (+351) 91 543 1234

    Correo electrónico:

    Los documentos más comunes para la traducción, certificación y apostilla son:

    • acta de nacimiento
    • acta de matrimonio
    • acta de defunción
    • acta de divorcio
    • certificado de antecedentes penales

    Honorarios del traductor

    Los honorarios del abogado / traductor varían en función del número de palabras o páginas y del tipo de documento.

    Plazo de entrega

    El plazo de entrega varía en función del número de palabras o páginas y del tipo de documento.

    En general, la traducción tarda un mínimo de 2 días hábiles. Sin embargo, como se ha indicado, esto depende de la complejidad y del número de palabras del documento. Es posible negociar el pago de un suplemento para casos más urgentes.

    Costo de envío

    Después de la traducción, certificación y apostilla, el despacho calcula el costo de envío con la empresa DHL. El despacho realiza el envío una vez recibido el pago correspondiente.

    Traductor jurado

    Tenga en cuenta que en Portugal no existe el “traductor jurado”. Como ya se ha mencionado, la traducción es certificada por un profesional autorizado. Como también se ha mencionado, el abogado en Portugal tiene autorización legal para certificar traducciones. Por lo tanto, la certificación de la traducción es el único método utilizado, no existiendo la “traducción jurada”.

    Cuente con nosotros

    Envíe un mensaje por correo electrónico o WhatsApp y solicite un presupuesto. Para facilitar, envíe una copia del documento a traducir.

    Autor del artículo

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, abogado inscrito en el Colegio de Abogados de Portugal, fundador del despacho AMP Advogado.

    ¿Necesita una traducción certificada? Envíenos un mensaje.

    Envíe un mensaje de texto o WhatsApp al: (+351) 91 543 1234

    Correo electrónico:

  • Traduction certifiée de documents au Portugal (traducteur assermenté)

    Comptez sur nous pour traduire et certifier votre document.

    Notre cabinet effectue des traductions certifiées et s’occupe également de l’apostille du document traduit (apostille de la Haye).

    Après la traduction certifiée et l’apostille, notre cabinet envoie le document par courrier au pays du client.

    Au Portugal, un avocat peut certifier des traductions, ainsi qu’effectuer et certifier ses propres traductions. Ainsi, l’avocat peut traduire, certifier et faire les deux simultanément.

    Besoin d’une traduction certifiée ? Envoyez-nous un message.

    Envoyez un message texte ou Whatspp au : (+351) 91 543 1234
    Courriel :

    Les documents les plus courants pour la traduction, la certification et l’apostille sont :

    • acte de naissance
    • acte de mariage
    • acte de décès
    • acte de divorce
    • extrait de casier judiciaire

    Honoraires du traducteur
    Les honoraires de l’avocat / traducteur varient en fonction du nombre de mots ou de pages et du type de document.

    Délai de livraison
    Le délai de livraison varie en fonction du nombre de mots ou de pages et du type de document.

    En règle générale, la traduction prend au minimum 2 jours ouvrables. Cependant, comme indiqué, cela dépend de la complexité et du nombre de mots du document. Il est possible de négocier le paiement d’un supplément pour les cas plus urgents.

    Coût d’expédition
    Après la traduction, la certification et l’apostille, le cabinet calcule le coût d’expédition avec l’entreprise DHL. Le cabinet effectue l’envoi dès réception du paiement correspondant.

    Traducteur assermenté
    Notez qu’au Portugal, il n’existe pas de “traducteur assermenté”. Comme déjà mentionné, la traduction est certifiée par un professionnel autorisé. Comme indiqué, l’avocat au Portugal est légalement autorisé à certifier des traductions. Par conséquent, la certification de la traduction est la seule méthode utilisée, et il n’existe pas de “traduction assermentée”.

    Comptez sur nous
    Envoyez un message par email ou Whatsapp et demandez un devis. Pour faciliter, envoyez une copie du document à traduire.

    Auteur de l’article
    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, avocat inscrit à l’Ordre des Avocats Portugais, fondateur du cabinet AMP Advogado.

    Besoin d’une traduction certifiée ? Envoyez-nous un message.

    Envoyez un message texte ou Whatspp au : (+351) 91 543 1234
    Courriel :

  • Certificate of residence / address (declaration) from the ‘Junta da Freguesia’ in Portugal

    Certificate of residence / address (declaration) from the ‘Junta da Freguesia’ in Portugal

    What is a Parish Council in Portugal?

    The Junta de Freguesia is the executive body of each parish in Portugal, which is the smallest administrative division in the country. Each parish is a local community with a certain administrative autonomy and its own competencies, functioning as the entity closest to the citizens. The Junta de Freguesia is elected directly by the residents of the parish, usually every four years, in conjunction with the local elections.

    What is a Residence Certificate?

    The Atestado de Residência (also called an address certificate or declaration) is an official document issued by the Junta de Freguesia, which proves an individual’s residence at a given address.

    Purposes of the Residence Certificate

    This document is often required by AIMA in residence permit processes, as well as by the respective Town Hall, to issue the European Union Citizen Registration Certificate (CRUE) to an EU citizen wishing to reside in Portugal.

    This certificate or declaration is used in other situations.

    How do I apply for a Certificate of Residence?

    There are many complaints from foreigners that most parish councils are offering difficulties or complications in issuing the residence/address certificate.

    Many parishes claim that there have been a large number of applications for certificates based on false statements and documents. Therefore, many have chosen to simply stop issuing the document.

    However, the criteria for issuing the certificate vary greatly from parish to parish. Therefore, the best thing to do is to go to the parish office and ask what is required.

    Documents required to obtain a certificate of residence / address

    As already mentioned, the criteria vary according to the parish office. As a rule, the following documents are required:

    Identification documents: Citizen’s card, passport or residence permit

    Proof of residence: rental agreement, proof of ownership of the property, statements from neighbors, among others.

    Cost of the fee

    The fee is usually very low.


    Decree-Law no. 135/99, of April 22, defines the general principles of action to be followed by the services and bodies of the Public Administration in their dealings with citizens. Article 34 deals with certificates issued by parish councils.

    Lawyer in Portugal

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer registered with the Portuguese Bar Association, has an office in Porto and serves clients from all over the world online.

    tags: portugal, certificate, parish, document, resident permit .

  • European Union Citizen Registration Certificate (EURC)

    The European Union Citizen Registration Certificate (EURC) is a document required for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland who wish to reside in Portugal for a period of more than three months.

    The citizen must present a list of documents, namely: document (passport or Citizen Card from an EU/EEA/Swiss country), proof of residence, proof of financial resources, etc.

    The application must be made at the town hall where the citizen lives. In some cases, it is necessary to make an appointment.

    Pay the fee for the CRUE application. The amount may vary, but it is generally an affordable fee.

    In most cases, the EUCRC is issued on the same day.

    Case study: An EU citizen enters Portugal and can stay for 90 days without the need for any kind of residence permit. If they wish to reside in Portugal, they will have 30 days to apply for a CRUE, counting from the end of the 90-day period.

    Renewal: The CRUE is valid for 5 years and must be renewed at AIMA.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer in Portugal

    tags: crue, European Union Citizen Registration Certificate, portugal, certificante, fee, when, how, where, time .

  • Authentication Certificate Requirements, apostille (USA / Portugal)

    Authentication Certificate Requirements (United States of America)

    Documents issued in the United States must be apostilled (apostila de haia) in order to be used in Portugal. Therefore, you don’t need to use any other type of authentication. In fact, Portugal does not accept any authentication other than the Hague Apostille.

    However, if you are going to use the document issued in the United States in a country that is not part of the Hague Convention, then you must have it authenticated as explained below.

    Before submitting documents to us, you must:

    1) Get a notary public to notarize each document:

    Using a county notary? Go to the clerk of court first and then a state office, such as a secretary of state.
    Using a state notary? Go to a state office, such as a secretary of state.

    2) Make sure seals and signatures are originals

    Get a certified copy from a notary public. A certified copy is a copy of a primary document with a certificate on it that it is the true copy.
    Get records, court documents, and federally-issued documents certified at the state level.

    3) Get any documents in a foreign language translated into English. Get the translation notarized.

    4) After you get your document(s) notarized, mail your Form DS-4194 and documents to us.

    Requirements for Each Type of Document

    State and Local Documents


    • Birth certificates
    • Marriage certificates
    • Death certificates
    • Divorce decrees
    • Probate wills
    • Judgments

    Your state and local documents must:

    • Be an original or certified document
    • Include the raised or stamped seal of the court or department of vital records
    • Be certified by the state which issued the documents. The secretary of state will certify to the official signing the document under the seal of the state.

    Federally-Issued Documents

    Other Documents

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro | Lawyer in Portugal

    tags: portugal, us, usa, apostille .

  • Online Criminal Record | Portugal

    Welcome to the Online Criminal Record

    My Criminal Record

    Go to my criminal record to:

    • Request a new Criminal Record Certificate
    • View previously ordered Certificates (general data, status, expiration date, etc.)
    • Obtain Certificates
    • Cancel a Certificate’s access code

    What is the Criminal Record Certificate and how much does it cost?

    It is a document that contains information about the criminal record of a person or company.

    This document can be used for your own knowledge or to present to an entity when requested.

    The certificate costs € 5.

    What information can it contain?

    Through the Criminal Record Certificate you can find out:

    • whether or not there are convictions in your name or the company you represent
    • which criminal conviction decisions are handed down by Portuguese or foreign courts in your name or the company you represent, which are communicated in accordance with international agreements
    • in the case of European Union citizens, it may also contain information about convictions in their country of nationality.

    Who can apply for the Criminal Record Certificate?

    Note: Our office provides a “declaration of authorization” template for the client to sign and authorize us to request the criminal record certificate on their behalf.

    Any person, of any nationality, over 16 years of age, if it is their own registration.

    Any person over the age of 18 can request the criminal record of another person, as long as authorized by the person. In this case, the request must be made in person and the authorization must be presented to the services.

    In the case of a legal person, the request must be made by its legal representative.

    Responsible Entity

    The Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice (DGAJ) is a central service of the direct administration of the State.

    Within the scope of its attributions, DGAJ is responsible, among others, for “ensure criminal identification”.

    The organic unit of DGAJ responsible for issuing a criminal record certificate is the Directorate of Criminal Identification Services (DSIC).

    Nossos serviços

    Podemos pedir o seu certificado de registo criminal e, se necessário, apostilá-lo. Enviamos por correio para qualquer país.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro | Lawyer in Portugal

    tags: certificado de registo criminal online, portugal, apostilamento, apostila, apostile .

  • Terms “translator” and “interpreter”

    In general, the terms “translator” and “interpreter” refer to different language professions.

    A translator works with written text, translating written content from one language to another. Translators often have the opportunity to review and revise their work before it is finalized.

    An interpreter deals with spoken words in real-time. Interpreters convey the spoken message from one language to another on the spot, without the luxury of reviewing or revising the content. Interpreting can be done in various settings, such as conferences, meetings, or live events.

    In the scenario you described, where someone is speaking to an audience and another person is rendering the spoken words into another language, the second person would typically be referred to as an interpreter. They are providing real-time oral translation of the spoken words.

    It’s worth noting that while the terms are often used distinctly, in some contexts, especially in colloquial language, people might use “translator” to refer to both translators and interpreters. However, in professional settings and within the language industry, the distinction between translation (dealing with written text) and interpretation (dealing with spoken words) is important.

    interpreter (noun)

    1. someone who translates for individuals or groups conversing in different languages

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a writer, a certified translator in Portugal and lectures with interpreters from Portuguese into other languages.

    translator (intransitive verb)

    1: to practice translation or make a translation

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer, writer, certified translator in Portugal and lectures with interpreters from Portuguese into other languages.

  • Relocation to Portugal and legal advice (different services)

    Relocation service providers in Portugal

    Our office does not offer relocation services. This text is only intended to clarify the meaning of this term.

    The meaning of relocation

    Relocation service providers in Portugal offer a range of services to individuals or businesses moving to or within the country. Their goal is to facilitate a smooth transition and help clients settle into their new environment. Here are some common services provided by relocation service providers in Portugal.

    A warning

    In Portugal, legal advice and/or consultation on visas or residence permits should only be provided by lawyers registered with the Portuguese Bar Association (OA).

    Legal advice and/or consultation carried out by people who are not lawyers registered with the Portuguese Bar Association (OA) constitutes the crime of “procuradoria ilícita” (Law on Lawyers’ Own Acts | Law nº. 49/2004, of August 24).

    1) Orientation Services

    • Area orientation: Familiarizing clients with different neighborhoods, schools, healthcare facilities, and other local amenities.
    • Cultural training: Offering insights into Portuguese culture, customs, and etiquette to ease the adjustment process.

    2) Housing Support

    • Home search: Assisting in finding suitable accommodation based on the client’s preferences and budget.
    • In Portugal, the real estate consultant (or real estate agency) does the negotiation / intermediation. However, the drafting or analysis of the contract should be done by a lawyer.

    3) School Assistance

    School search: Assisting families in finding appropriate educational institutions for their children.
    Enrollment support: Helping with the enrollment process in local schools or international schools.

    4) Settling-In Services

    Utility connections: Assisting with setting up essential services like electricity, water, and internet.
    Local registration: Helping clients register with local authorities and obtain necessary identification documents.

    5) Cultural and Language Support

    Language training: Offering language courses or resources to help clients learn or improve their Portuguese language skills.
    Cultural integration: Providing guidance on cultural norms and helping clients integrate into the local community.

    6) Spousal and Family Support

    Career support for spouses: Assisting accompanying spouses in finding employment opportunities.
    Family services: Offering support for family members, including healthcare information and social activities.

    7) Ongoing Support

    Relocation support hotline: Providing a point of contact for ongoing assistance and addressing any issues that may arise after the initial move.
    Repatriation services: Assisting clients in the eventual return to their home country if needed.

    These services are designed to alleviate the challenges associated with relocation and ensure a smoother transition for individuals or businesses moving to Portugal. The specific offerings may vary among different relocation service providers.


    Therefore, the real estate consultant or real estate agent provides the service related to the search for and negotiation of real estate and the lawyer provides the service of legal advice and/or legal consultation, including the analysis or drafting of contracts.

    As already mentioned, the aim of this text is to clarify the difference between relocation work, including the services of real estate agents, and the work of lawyers. We have chosen not to enter into partnerships with relocation service providers.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro | Lawyer in Portugal

    tags: portugal, relocation, real estate law, house, home, apartment, contracts .

  • Autorización de residencia (certificado) para ciudadanos no europeos que deseen acompañar a un europeo (miembro de la familia) a Portugal por un período superior a tres meses

    Autorización de residencia (certificado) para ciudadanos no europeos que deseen acompañar a un europeo (miembro de la familia) a Portugal por un período superior a tres meses.

    Si es usted nacional de un tercer país y desea acompañar a su familiar nacional de la UE/EEE/Suiza a Portugal por un período superior a tres meses, solicite su


    La Tarjeta de Residencia, que formaliza el derecho de residencia en Portugal, debe solicitarse si el familiar de un tercer país va a permanecer en Portugal más de tres meses.

    El derecho de entrada, estancia y residencia en Portugal ampara a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea (UE), del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE) y de Suiza, así como a los miembros de su familia. Los miembros de la familia que sean nacionales de terceros países fuera de Portugal son admitidos en el país previa presentación de un pasaporte válido y sólo están sujetos a la obligación de visado de entrada en los términos de las normas vigentes en la Unión Europea. Por lo tanto, antes de entrar en territorio nacional, deben dirigirse a la oficina consular portuguesa/misión consular en el extranjero para validar los requisitos necesarios.

    ¿Quién puede solicitarlo?

    Un miembro de la familia de un ciudadano de la Unión Europea, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Noruega, el Principado de Andorra y Suiza que sea nacional de un tercer país si

    1. Cónyuge;
    2. Descendiente hasta la edad de 21 años;
    3. Descendientes mayores de 21 años a cargo del titular del derecho;
    4. Ascendientes a cargo del titular del derecho.

    ¿Dónde se puede solicitar?

    En los mostradores de atención al público del SEF (AIMA), previa cita a través del centro de atención telefónica.

    ¿Cuándo puedo presentar la solicitud?

    Dentro de los 30 días siguientes a los tres meses de entrada en territorio nacional, previa cita.

    La documentación requerida varía según los casos. Si falta algún documento, no se aceptará la solicitud.

    Si tiene dudas sobre el procedimiento y/o los documentos exigidos, solicite asesoramiento jurídico a un abogado inscrito en el Colegio de Abogados portugués.

    Con información del SEF

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro es abogado en Portugal

    tags: certificado, ciudadano europeo, europa, residencia, portugal, permiso de residencia, sef .

    Art. 15, Ley nº 37/2006, de 9 de agosto

  • Autorisation de séjour (certificat) pour les citoyens non européens souhaitant accompagner un Européen (membre de la famille) au Portugal pour une période de plus de trois mois

    Si vous êtes un ressortissant d’un pays tiers et que vous souhaitez accompagner un membre de votre famille ressortissant de l’UE/EEE/Suisse au Portugal pour une période de plus de trois mois, veuillez demander votre


    La carte de séjour, qui formalise le droit de séjour au Portugal, doit être demandée si le membre de la famille ressortissant d’un pays tiers séjourne au Portugal pendant plus de trois mois.

    Le droit d’entrer, de séjourner et de résider au Portugal s’applique aux citoyens de l’Union européenne (UE), de l’Espace économique européen (EEE) et de la Suisse, ainsi qu’aux membres de leur famille. Les membres de la famille qui sont des ressortissants de pays tiers au Portugal sont admis dans le pays sur présentation d’un passeport en cours de validité et ne sont soumis à l’obligation de visa d’entrée qu’en vertu des règles en vigueur dans l’Union européenne. Par conséquent, avant d’entrer sur le territoire national, ils doivent se rendre au poste consulaire portugais/à la mission consulaire à l’étranger afin de valider les conditions requises.

    Qui peut présenter une demande ?

    Les membres de la famille des citoyens de l’Union européenne, de l’Islande, du Liechtenstein, de la Norvège, de la Principauté d’Andorre et de la Suisse qui sont ressortissants de pays tiers si:

    1. Conjoint ;
    2. Descendant jusqu’à l’âge de 21 ans ;
    3. Descendants âgés de plus de 21 ans à la charge du titulaire du droit ;
    4. Ascendants à charge du titulaire du droit.

    Où puis-je déposer ma demande ?

    Aux guichets de service du SEF (AIMA), sur rendez-vous préalable auprès du centre d’appel.

    Quand puis-je déposer ma demande ?

    Dans les 30 jours ou les trois mois suivant l’entrée sur le territoire national, sur rendez-vous préalable.

    Les documents requis varient selon les cas. Si un document manque, la demande ne sera pas acceptée.

    Si vous avez des doutes sur la procédure et/ou les documents requis, demandez conseil à un avocat inscrit au barreau portugais.

    Avec l’aide de SEF

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro est avocat au Portugal.

    tags : certificat, citoyen européen, europe, résidence, portugal, permis de séjour, sef, français, france .

    Art. 15, Loi no. 37/2006, du 9 août