Autor: Pinheiro

  • Comment (et où) puis-je faire apostiller un document au Portugal ?

    Les documents publics délivrés par les autorités portugaises ne peuvent être apostillés qu’au Portugal. En d’autres termes, chaque document doit être apostillé dans le pays qui l’a délivré.

    Exemples de documents les plus souvent apostillés

    Les documents les plus couramment apostillés sont : l’acte de naissance, l’acte de mariage, l’acte de décès, le casier judiciaire et les diplômes d’écoles et d’universités, etc.

    Où puis-je obtenir l’apostille ?

    Notre bureau fournit des apostilles au Portugal pour des clients de différents pays.

    En règle générale, notre bureau s’occupe de la délivrance du document et fournit ensuite l’apostille. Ensuite, nous envoyons le document apostillé du Portugal vers le pays du client.

    Frais liés à l’apostille

    Le client devra payer les frais suivants : a) frais de bureau ; b) frais de service public (tribunal) et ; c) service de messagerie (par ex. DHL).

    Le devis pour le service de messagerie ne peut être établi qu’après l’achèvement de l’apostille, car il sera nécessaire de peser l’enveloppe et de calculer la distance entre l’expéditeur et le destinataire.

    Frais d’apostille : l’obtention d’une apostille est soumise à des frais. Au Portugal, le coût est de 10,20 € (prix de 2023).

    Ce que nous ne faisons pas

    Nous n’apostillons pas les documents délivrés en dehors du Portugal. Nous sommes au Portugal et nous ne pouvons apostiller que les documents délivrés au Portugal.

    Nous ne recevons pas de documents déjà délivrés

    Nous n’apostillons que les documents que nous délivrons nous-mêmes. Par exemple, même si le client dispose d’un acte de naissance déjà délivré, nous ne le recevrons pas. Pour des raisons de sécurité, nous devrons établir un nouvel acte de naissance et l’apostiller ensuite.

    En effet, nous ne pourrons pas savoir si le document que nous avons reçu est authentique ou s’il présente des irrégularités ou des falsifications. En d’autres termes, nous ne pouvons pas être tenus responsables de documents dont nous ne pouvons pas garantir l’authenticité.

    Qu’est-ce que l’apostillation ? (Apostille de La Haye)

    L’apostille de La Haye est une méthode simplifiée de légalisation des documents à usage international entre les pays qui sont parties à la Convention de La Haye sur l’apostille. Cette convention porte le nom de la ville de La Haye, aux Pays-Bas, où elle a été conclue le 5 octobre 1961 et est entrée en vigueur le 24 janvier 1965. À l’heure actuelle, plus de 120 pays sont parties à la convention.

    L’objectif principal de la Convention Apostille de La Haye est de rationaliser le processus de légalisation des documents, en particulier des documents publics, dans les pays membres. Avant la convention, pour qu’un document soit reconnu dans un pays étranger, il fallait souvent plusieurs niveaux d’authentification et de légalisation, ce qui prenait du temps et était coûteux.

    Avec l’Apostille de La Haye, un seul certificat d’authentification (l’”Apostille”) est délivré par les autorités compétentes du pays où l’acte a été délivré. L’apostille agit comme un sceau d’authenticité universellement reconnu, vérifiant l’origine et la légitimité de l’acte. Elle est jointe à l’acte ou à un certificat séparé et rend l’acte valable pour être utilisé dans tout autre pays membre sans authentification supplémentaire.

    La Convention Apostille de La Haye s’applique principalement aux documents publics tels que les actes de naissance, les actes de mariage, les diplômes, les actes notariés et les extraits officiels de registres publics.

    Il est important de noter que chaque pays a ses propres exigences et procédures pour l’obtention d’une apostille. Il est donc conseillé de vérifier les directives spécifiques du pays en question avant d’en faire la demande.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, avocat au Portugal

    tags: apostille, apostille de la haye, portugal, portugais, documents, certificat, comment, quand, pourquoi .

  • ¿Cómo (y dónde) puedo obtener un documento apostillado en Portugal?

    Los documentos públicos emitidos por las autoridades portuguesas solo pueden ser apostillados en Portugal. En otras palabras, cada documento debe estar apostillado en el país que lo emitió.

    Ejemplos de los documentos más apostillados

    Los documentos más comúnmente apostillados son: certificado de nacimiento, certificado de matrimonio, certificado de defunción, certificado de antecedentes penales y diploma de escuelas y universidades, etc.

    ¿Dónde puedo obtener la apostilla?

    Nuestra oficina proporciona apostilla en Portugal para clientes de diferentes países.

    Por regla general, nuestra oficina proporciona la emisión del documento y luego proporciona la apostilla. Posteriormente, enviamos el documento apostillado desde Portugal al país del cliente.

    Gastos relacionados con la apostilla

    El cliente tendrá los siguientes gastos: a) honorarios de oficina; b) tasa de servicio público (tribunal) y; c) servicio de mensajería (por ejemplo, DHL).

    La cotización del servicio de mensajería solo se puede realizar después de la realización de la apostilla, ya que será necesario pesar el sobre y calcular la distancia entre el remitente y el destinatario.

    Tarifa de apostilla: hay una tarifa asociada con la obtención de una apostilla. En Portugal el coste es de 10,20€ (precio 2023).

    Cosas que no hacemos.

    No apostillamos documentos emitidos fuera de Portugal. Estamos en Portugal y solo podemos apostillar documentos emitidos en Portugal.

    No recibimos documentos ya emitidos.

    Solo apostillamos documentos que nosotros mismos emitimos. Por ejemplo, incluso si el cliente tiene un certificado de nacimiento ya emitido, no lo recibiremos. Por razones de seguridad, necesitaremos emitir un nuevo certificado de nacimiento y luego apostillarlo.

    Esto se debe a que no podríamos saber si el documento que recibimos es auténtico o tiene algún tipo de irregularidad y falsificación. En otras palabras, no podemos hacernos responsables de los documentos que no podemos garantizar que sean auténticos.

    ¿Qué es la apostilla? (Apostilla de La Haya)

    La Apostilla de La Haya es un método simplificado de legalización de documentos para uso internacional entre países que son parte del Convenio de Apostilla de La Haya. La convención lleva el nombre de la ciudad de La Haya en los Países Bajos, donde se concluyó el 5 de octubre de 1961 y entró en vigor el 24 de enero de 1965. Actualmente, hay más de 120 países miembros que forman parte de la convención.

    El objetivo principal del Convenio de La Haya sobre Apostilla es agilizar el proceso de legalización de documentos, especialmente para documentos públicos, en los países miembros. Antes de la convención, para que un documento fuera reconocido en un país extranjero, a menudo requería varios niveles de autenticación y legalización, lo que requería mucho tiempo y dinero.

    Con la Apostilla de La Haya, las autoridades competentes del país donde se emitió el documento emiten un único certificado de autenticación (la “Apostilla”). La Apostilla actúa como un sello de autenticidad universalmente reconocido, verificando el origen y la legitimidad del documento. Se adjunta al documento oa un certificado separado y hace que el documento sea válido para su uso en cualquier otro país miembro sin autenticación adicional.

    El Convenio de la Apostilla de La Haya se aplica principalmente a documentos públicos tales como certificados de nacimiento, certificados de matrimonio, diplomas educativos, actas notariales y extractos oficiales de registros públicos.

    Es importante tener en cuenta que cada país tiene sus propios requisitos y procedimientos específicos para obtener una Apostilla, por lo que es recomendable consultar las pautas específicas del país en cuestión antes de solicitar una.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, abogado en Portugal

    etiquetas: apostilla, apostilla de la haya, portugal, portugués, documentos, certificado, cómo, cuándo, por qué .

  • How (and where) can I get a document apostilled in Portugal?

    Public documents issued by Portuguese authorities can only be apostilled in Portugal. In other words, each document must be apostilled in the country that issued it.

    Examples of the most apostilled documents

    The most commonly apostilled documents are: birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, criminal record certificate and diploma from schools and universities etc.

    🔗  Make a request for apostille

    Where can I get the apostille?

    Our office provides apostille in Portugal for clients from different countries.

    As a rule, our office provides the issuance of the document and then provides the apostille. After that, we send the apostilled document from Portugal to the client’s country.

    Expenses related to the apostille

    The client will have the following expenses: a) office fees; b) public service fee (court) and; c) courier service (e.g. DHL).

    The quote for the courier service can only be made after the completion of the apostille, because it will be necessary to weigh the envelope and calculate the distance between the sender and the recipient.

    Apostille fee: there is a fee associated with obtaining an apostille. In Portugal the cost is €10.20 (2023 price).

    Things we do not do.

    We do not apostille documents issued outside of Portugal. We are in Portugal and we can only apostille documents issued in Portugal.

    We do not receive documents already issued.

    We only apostille documents that we issue ourselves. For example, even if the customer has a birth certificate already issued, we will not receive it. For security reasons, we will need to issue a new birth certificate and then apostille it.

    This is because we would not be able to know whether the document we received is authentic or has some type of irregularity and forgery. In other words, we cannot be held responsible for documents that we cannot guarantee are authentic.

    What is apostillization? (Hague Apostille)

    The Hague Apostille is a simplified method of legalizing documents for international use between countries that are parties to the Hague Apostille Convention. The convention is named after the city of The Hague in the Netherlands, where it was concluded on October 5, 1961, and entered into force on January 24, 1965. Currently, there are more than 120 member countries that are part of the convention.

    The main purpose of the Hague Apostille Convention is to streamline the process of legalizing documents, especially for public documents, in member countries. Before the convention, for a document to be recognized in a foreign country, it often required several levels of authentication and legalization, which was time-consuming and costly.

    With the Hague Apostille, a single certificate of authentication (the “Apostille”) is issued by the competent authorities of the country where the document was issued. The Apostille acts as a universally recognized seal of authenticity, verifying the origin and legitimacy of the document. It is attached to the document or to a separate certificate and makes the document valid for use in any other member country without additional authentication.

    The Hague Apostille Convention applies mainly to public documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, educational diplomas, notarial acts and official extracts from public registers.

    It is important to note that each country has its own specific requirements and procedures for obtaining an Apostille, so it is advisable to check the specific guidelines of the country in question before requesting one.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, lawyer in Portugal

    tags: apostille, hague apostille, portugal, portuguese, documents, certificate, how, when, why .

  • Automatic Renewal – Residence permit in Portugal

    Immigrants are having several problems getting their residence permit automatically renewed at SEF.

    The first problem is that, despite being an online procedure, the renewal is not always available. As a result, many migrants only get the renewal after the expiration of the residence permit. Others simply do not know if they will be able to do so.

    Important update!!!

    The Portuguese government’s official recommendation is that you renew your residence permit using the SIGA app. This application tells you which documents the foreigner must submit to the IRN (Instituto de Registos e Notariado).

    The IRN will receive your documents and send them to AIMA (Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum).

    But so far (09/11/2023) SEF’s automatic renewal platform (which has been legally extinguished) still seems to be working.

    In fact, it’s a real mess.

    In addition, there are several errors on the platform, in which the user receives information on the status of the application, such as “annulled by SEF” or “canceled”, without any reason or justification. There are other cases where the status “awaiting submission” does not advance. In short, there are numerous problems that generate great anguish in the immigrant.

    So far, it is not known when SEF will solve the platform problem.

    On August 3, 2023, SEF published the following note:

    “As the post-payment of the DUC is registering the appearance of messages in the status of the application such as “awaiting payment” or “annulled by SEF”, the Foreigners and Borders Service clarifies that it is working on solving the problem”.

    I want to renew automatically my residence permit on SEF website. What should I do?

    You must register in the personal login area of the SEF website and access Applications > Automatic Renewal area. You must follow all necessary steps and submit the application for automatic renewal of your residence permit.

    I am already registered on the SEF Website. How should I proceed to automatically renew my residence permit?

    You must access your personal login area of the SEF website > Applications > Automatic Renewal. You must follow all necessary steps and submit the application for automatic renewal of your residence permit.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro
    Immigration lawyer in Portugal, with more than 12 years’ experience in the legal profession and consultant on visas and residence permit.

    tags: automatic renewal, sef website, residence permit, how, when, why .

  • Nursery (childcare center) in Portugal | slots, research and legislation

    Items covered: childcare places in Portugal, free childcare center (nursery), private childcare, enrolment, research, law, etc.


    This article will address the main issues related to the right of children to nursery, crèche and kindergarten (pre-school). The aim is to guide and parents and other interested parties in relation to children’s entitlement, as well as to clarify the structure of education in Portugal for pre-school age.

    Items covered: places for daycare, free daycare, private daycare enrollment, research, law, etc.

    According to article 74, no. 2, b, of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, it is the responsibility of the State to “create a public system and develop the general system of pre-school education“. Therefore, children have the right to day care.

    Pre-school education is intended for children aged between three years and the entry into compulsory education, constituting the first stage of basic education in the process of lifelong education (as established in the Framework Law on Pre-School Education, Law No. 5/97, of February 10 – known as the Basic Law of the Education System (LBSE).

    Social Security in Portugal

    In Portugal, the responsibility for daycare is attributed to Social Security (Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P.). Social Security is the government body responsible for the social protection and welfare of citizens, including the area of childhood and pre-school education.

    The Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. is the entity that regulates and supervises the network of daycare centers in Portugal, both public and private daycare centers. It establishes the requirements, criteria and standards for the operation of childcare centers, as well as the eligibility for access to these services.

    In addition, Social Security may also offer financial support or co-payments for families who need assistance to pay for daycare fees, especially for those with lower income.

    Therefore, Social Security is the responsible authority for daycare centers in Portugal, ensuring that these institutions meet quality standards and comply with public policies related to pre-school education.

    Law no. 65/2015, of July 3 – first amendment to Law no. 85/2009, of August 27

    According to this legislation, pre-school education is universal for all children from the year they reach the age of 4. This universality implies, for the State, the duty to guarantee the existence of a network of pre-school education that allows the enrollment of all children covered by it and to ensure that this frequency is carried out under a free regime of the educational component.

    Nursery and kindergarten

    The separation of children by age in nurseries and pre-school education institutions is a common practice to meet the specific developmental and learning needs of each age group. This approach aims to provide an educational and care environment appropriate to the developmental stage of each group of children.

    The separation of children by age usually follows specific criteria, such as:

    Nursery: This age group contains the youngest children, usually aged up to about 12 or 18 months. At this stage, children are still very dependent and need more intense care, including special feeding, diaper changing and sensory stimulation activities.

    Nursery: For children aged between 1 and 3 years. At this stage, children begin to develop motor, language and social skills. Pedagogical activities are more directed to promote exploration and interaction with the environment.

    Kindergarten (Pre-school): Generally for children aged between 3 and 5 years. At this stage, the focus is more on developing cognitive skills such as language, logical reasoning and socialization. Activities are more structured and include preparation for entry into elementary school.

    “Happy Daycare” program (Creche Feliz in Portuguese)

    Social Security has launched the “Creche Feliz” mobile app. With this application, you can search for daycare centers with free places for children born on or after September 1, 2021.

    With this application, the interested party can search and obtain information about the daycare centers that have free places available in the area of residence or place of work. In the application you can also see the contacts and location of the participating daycare centers.

    If there are no vacancies in daycare centers of the solidarity network, families can choose a daycare center of the profitable network and ask for support from Social Security for the exemption of payment. This support can also be requested in the application.

    The Creche Feliz program covers all children born on or after September 1, 2021, who attend daycare centers, family daycare centers in the solidarity network, Social Security nannies or daycare centers in the profit network that are part of the list of participating institutions.

    Children born before September 1, 2021 are only covered if they fall within the first or second income bracket of family contribution.

    Social Charter in Portugal (Carta Social in Portuguese)

    According to the website itself, the Social Charter is a study of the dynamics of the Social Services and Equipment Network (RSES) that aims to make known the social responses, in the scope of social action, supervised by the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS), in operation on the Mainland, its characterization, territorial location, equipment and support entities.

    The Social Charter, as it has been designed, built and updated, is intended to be both a multipurpose instrument of extreme flexibility in the fields of social information, support for decision-making at different levels, support for institutional cooperation and, in particular, information to the citizen.

    The information provided in the Social Charter includes the equipment with social responses from the public, solidarity and private-profit networks.

    Nanny in Portugal (“ama” in Portuguese)

    A nanny is a person who takes care of children in their home until they reach the age of entry to pre-school.

    From the age of 3 (completed by September 15), the child must join a pre-school establishment.

    To carry out the activity of nanny in a legalized way you need a permit. This authorization is granted by the Social Security Institute, I. P., after verification of compliance with the requirements and conditions provided for in the regulations in force for access to the profession.

    The terms and conditions for access to the profession and the exercise of the activity of nanny are established in Decree-Law no. 115/2015, of June 22.

    Directorate-General for School Establishments (DGEstE)

    The Directorate-General for School Establishments (DGEstE) in Portugal is responsible for the management and administration of public basic and secondary education establishments, not including pre-school education.

    Author: Adriano Martins Pinheiro, lawyer in Portugal

    Nosso site
    Segurança Social em Portugal
    Aplicação do Programa “Creche Feliz” (APP)
    Carta Social em Portugal
    Ama em Portugal
    Direção-Geral dos Estabelecimentos Escolares (DGEstE)


  • Portugal: pros and cons to living

    Living in Portugal offers many advantages, but there are also some challenges to consider. Here are some pros and cons of living in Portugal:


    • Climate: Portugal enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate in most regions, with warm summers and mild winters. The pleasant weather is a major draw for many expats and retirees.
    • Cost of Living: Portugal generally has a lower cost of living compared to many other European countries. Housing, food, and entertainment can be more affordable, especially in smaller cities and rural areas.
    • Quality of Life: Portugal is known for its high quality of life, with a relaxed pace, beautiful landscapes, and a strong sense of community.
    • Culture and History: Portugal boasts a rich history and culture, evident in its historic towns, vibrant festivals, and delicious cuisine.
    • Healthcare: The Portuguese healthcare system is generally of a high standard and accessible to residents, especially in larger cities.
    • Safety: Portugal is considered one of the safest countries in Europe, with low crime rates and a welcoming environment.


    • Language Barrier: While English is widely spoken in tourist areas and among the younger population, language barriers can still be a challenge, especially in more rural regions.
    • Bureaucracy: Like in many countries, dealing with bureaucratic processes in Portugal can be time-consuming and frustrating for newcomers.
    • Job Opportunities: Finding employment in Portugal can be challenging, particularly for non-Portuguese speakers. The job market may be more limited in certain industries.
    • Low Salaries: Salaries in Portugal can be lower than in some other European countries, which can impact the overall standard of living for expats.
    • Healthcare for Non-Residents: Access to healthcare may be limited for non-residents or those not covered by the Portuguese healthcare system.
    • Traffic and Public Transport: Traffic congestion can be an issue in larger cities, and public transport may not be as extensive as in some other European cities.
    • Isolation: Some rural areas may experience a sense of isolation, especially for those who prefer a more bustling urban environment.

    Overall, Portugal offers a high quality of life, a welcoming culture, and a beautiful setting. However, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons based on individual preferences, lifestyle, and personal circumstances before making the decision to move to Portugal. Conducting thorough research and visiting the country to experience it firsthand can be beneficial in making an informed choice.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro
    Immigration lawyer in Portugal, with more than 12 years’ experience in the legal profession and consultant on visas and residence permit.

    tags: portugal, pros, cons, .

  • British immigrants in Portugal after Brexit | Important considerations

    Here are some of the key changes that affected English immigrants in Portugal after Brexit:

    Residency Status: Before Brexit, as EU citizens, British nationals had the right to move freely and reside in Portugal without the need for a visa. However, after Brexit, British citizens are considered third-country nationals, and different residency rules now apply.

    Residency Registration: British citizens who were already living in Portugal before December 31, 2020, could apply for residency under the Withdrawal Agreement until June 30, 2021. This agreement allows them to continue living and working in Portugal with similar rights as before.

    New Immigration Rules: For British citizens who want to move to Portugal after December 31, 2020, new immigration rules apply. They may need to apply for a visa or a residence permit depending on their purpose of stay (e.g., work, study, retirement).

    Freedom of Movement: British citizens no longer have the right to freedom of movement within the EU. This means they may face additional border checks and visa requirements when traveling to other EU countries from Portugal.

    Driving Licenses: British nationals living in Portugal may need to exchange their UK driving licenses for Portuguese ones, depending on the validity period and local regulations.

    It’s important for English immigrants in Portugal or those considering moving there to stay informed about the latest immigration and residency requirements, as well as any updates to agreements between the UK and the EU. The situation can evolve, so seeking advice from official government sources or legal experts is essential to ensure compliance with the current regulations.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer in Portugal

    tags: brexit, portugal, england, british immigrants .

  • Why are Americans immigrating to Portugal?

    As of my last update in September 2021, several factors have contributed to the increasing number of Americans immigrating to Portugal:

    Quality of Life: Portugal is known for its high quality of life, with a pleasant climate, beautiful landscapes, and a relaxed lifestyle. Many Americans are attracted to Portugal’s slower pace of life and the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable and affordable lifestyle.

    Cost of Living: Portugal generally offers a lower cost of living compared to many major cities in the United States. Housing, healthcare, and everyday expenses can be more affordable, making it an appealing destination for retirees and digital nomads.

    Residency Programs: Portugal has introduced several attractive residency programs that appeal to Americans seeking to live or retire in Europe. The Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax regime, the Golden Visa program, and the D7 visa (for retirees and those with passive income) are some of the initiatives that facilitate obtaining residency in Portugal.

    Safety and Stability: Portugal is considered one of the safest countries in Europe. Its political stability, low crime rates, and welcoming atmosphere make it an appealing destination for those seeking a secure place to live.

    Language: English is widely spoken, especially in urban areas and among the younger population. This makes it easier for English-speaking Americans to adapt and communicate in Portugal.

    Education and Healthcare: Portugal offers a good standard of education and healthcare, which can be important considerations for families and retirees.

    Cultural and Historical Appeal: Portugal’s rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant arts scene attract individuals with an appreciation for heritage and cultural experiences.

    If you’re considering immigrating to Portugal or any other country, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, understand the legal requirements, and consider personal preferences and priorities before making such a significant decision.

    In Portugal, it is safer to seek advice from specialist immigration lawyers. By law (Law of Own Acts), only lawyers can provide legal advice. Furthermore, the immigration system can become confusing and risky. The lawyer, as a professional registered with the Portuguese Bar Association, is someone qualified, responsible and safe to advise immigrants.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer in Portugal, writer and teacher of online courses. The law firm consults online for all countries.

    tags: lawyer in portugal, immigration, immigrants, legal advice .

  • Portuguese from Portugal | History and curiosities

    The official language of Portugal is Portuguese

    Portuguese was the 6th most spoken language in the world by the number of native speakers. It is estimated that there were around 215 to 220 million native speakers of Portuguese at that time.

    Brazil is the country with the most Portuguese speakers in the world

    Brazil is the country with the most Portuguese speakers in the world. It has the largest population of native Portuguese speakers and is the most populous country among the Lusophone countries. Brazil alone accounts for the majority of the total number of Portuguese speakers globally, with over 200 million native speakers.

    The history between Portugal and Brazil

    Brazil was colonized by Portugal in the 16th century. The Portuguese first arrived in the territory in 1500 and established settlements. Over time, they developed a strong presence and influence in the region, leading to the widespread adoption of the Portuguese language.

    Differences between Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil

    There are differences between Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil. While both variants are based on the same language, they have evolved differently over time due to historical, cultural, and geographical factors.

    Portuguese from Portugal is also known as European Portuguese.

    Students say it’s easier to learn Brazilian Portuguese

    Some learners may find Brazilian Portuguese slightly easier to understand for a few reasons:

    Pronunciation: Brazilian Portuguese tends to have clearer and more open vowel sounds compared to certain variations of European Portuguese. The pronunciation of some words may be more straightforward for learners.

    Melodic Quality: Some learners find Brazilian Portuguese to have a more melodic and sing-song quality, which can make it easier to follow along and identify word boundaries.

    Exposure: Due to Brazil’s large population and significant cultural influence, learners may have more exposure to Brazilian Portuguese through music, movies, and television, making it feel more familiar.

    Informal Language: Brazilian Portuguese often incorporates informal language and expressions, which can be more relatable and accessible for learners.

    Learner-Friendly Resources: Brazilian Portuguese has a wide range of learner-friendly resources, including textbooks, apps, and online courses, which can support language acquisition.

    Author: Adriano Martins Pinheiro is a lawyer in Portugal, with offices in Porto and Guimarães. In addition to being a lawyer, he is a writer and professor of online courses.

    tags: learn portuguese, portugal, language, idiom, brazil, brazilian .

  • How to obtain a Certificate in international format in Portugal?

    Certificate in international format in Portugal

    The certificate in international format is intended for use abroad, has a multilingual format and is issued in the models approved by the International Convention on the Issuance of Multilingual Certificates of Civil Registry Acts, approved by Government Decree No. 34/83 of May 12.

    When issuing the certificate in international model, the person concerned does not need to provide a translated and certified birth certificate. If he or she wishes, the person concerned may apply for the certificate to be apostilled so that it can be used in any country that is a member of the Hague Convention.

    As a rule, certificates in Portugal are associated with a birth, marriage or death certificate.

    Our office does document certification, apostille and translation.

    How to request a certificate in Portugal?

    Portuguese civil registration certificates can be issued in Portugal in three different formats: narrative, full copy and international model.

    Narrative certificate

    Narrative certificates narrate the content of the seat in a synthetic way. It mentions the elements extracted from the text of the entry, combined with the changes introduced by the entries in the margin.

    Full copy certificate

    Full copy certificates transcribe the entire text of the seating to which they relate and its amendments.

    Adriano Martins Pinheiro, lawyer in Portugal

    tags: certidão, portugal, assento, certidão em modelo internacional, multilíngue, inglês, francês, espanhol, português .