Legal News | Portugal

Legal News | Portugal: Choose one of the news below. These are the most current and relevant news in Brazil. Check out!

Julho 26, 2023

Portuguese from Portugal | History and curiosities

The official language of Portugal is Portuguese Portuguese was the 6th most spoken language in the world by the number of native speakers. It is estimated that there were around 215 to 220 million native speakers of Portuguese at that time. Brazil is the country with the most Portuguese speakers […]
Abril 14, 2023

What are the highest paying professions in Portugal?

According to the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics, the highest paying professions in Portugal are typically found in the following sectors: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – jobs related to computer programming, system administration, software engineering, and network management tend to offer high salaries. Health care and life sciences – […]
Abril 6, 2023

Some of the best professions in Portugal

Portugal has several growing industries that offer opportunities for professionals with a range of skills and expertise. Some of the best professions in Portugal include: Technology The tech industry in Portugal is growing rapidly, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals in areas such as software development, artificial […]
Dezembro 20, 2022

Who are we? Team of lawyers in Portugal

We are located in Portugal and perform online consultations for clients worldwide. We have a team experienced in serving immigrants and foreigners in Portugal. Some of our services in Portugal Portuguese citizenship application Visas for Portugal Residence permit (SEF) Request for NIF (Tax Identification Number) Search for documents and certificates […]
Julho 25, 2022

How is our online consultation? Learn more and schedule

Julho 25, 2022

Como é a nossa consultoria online? Saiba mais e agende

Julho 25, 2022

What do we do in Portugal? Schedule a conversation with us

Julho 23, 2022

O que fazemos em Portugal? Agende uma conversa conosco

Julho 23, 2022

Portugal aprova vistos de trabalho que beneficiam brasileiros

Julho 6, 2022

Enquadramento do StartUP Visa | IAPMEI | Portugal